Monday, August 8, 2011

Five 14ers done, five to go

Uncompaghre, 14321 ft or 4365 m

Now we have done five 14ers and one 13er. We threw in the 13er just because it was named Matterhorn. This Matterhorn is much easier to climb than the Matterhorn in Switzerland. The peaks we have climbed so far are Handies, Redcloud, Sunshine, Wetterhorn, Matterhorn and Uncompaghre. Redcloud and Sunshine we did in one day as well as Wetterhorn and Matterhorn. The two last mentioned peaks were a bit different than the others because you had to do a bit of climbing to reach the top. It was quite fun, easy climbing more scrambling really.

On the top of Matterhorn.

Enjoying the view on Uncompagre.

We had one days rest after 3 peaks and now another lazy day before we are aiming to do five peaks in four days. We do not know if we will make it but we will try. The reason is that in four days the weather forecast says there might be thunderstorms and we would like to avoid them if possible.

There are lots of marmots around these mountains, we see them everywhere. This one we found quite close to the top of Uncompaghre. Apart from marmots we see chipmunks, deer and elk. They claim bears are around but we have not seen one so far and honestly I do not have to...

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