Friday, August 5, 2011

14ers in Colorado

About 20 years now I have dreamt about going to Colorado and climb 14ers (mountains higher than 14000 feet or 4250 meters). In 1999 I bought the Lonely Planet Rocky Mountains and started to read in about the area. However I never made it there until now... The picture shows the view from Handies Peak towards Uncompaghre, Wetterhorn and Matterhorn.

After having spent the summer in Arizona with temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius it was nice to get up higher and get some fresh air. Also we all of a sudden had to experience rain again which we have had very little of although it is monsoon season in Arizona.

Although the mountains here are very high it looks like the Alps on 2000 meters. The tree line here is at around 3000 meters while in the Alps it is around 1800 meters. So even if you are much higher here you can not really tell except it is much harder to hike due to the elevation. We thought we were in good shape on Arizona heights but here it feels like I have not done any exercise in a long time.

On the top of Sunshine.

So far we have climbed three 14ers in two days and are now having a days rest. We are after all on holidays and do not want to strain our bodies too much the first few days. Tomorrow the next peak awaits.

On the way up on Handies Peak you walk through this lovely valley with loads and loads of flowers. Very beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the pretty flowers! Oh, your poor legs...

    Nice to see you enjoying yourselves. Hugs.
