Monday, January 24, 2011

Our first roadtrip in the States - Las Vegas

The day after we arrived in Phoenix we left on our first roadtrip. First stop was Las Vegas. We had not really planned this trip, we more or less just drove off to see where we would end up. The last few days in Sweden we watch the Ocean's movies so the first stop felt natural. I had never been to Las Vegas before and it was about as sick as I had imagined. A kind of Disneyland for grown-ups.

On the road.

We drove in from the east just after sunset and you could see the lights from the city behind the mountains the last few miles before you actually drive into the valley. As you turn a corner the city appears and you can clearly see the Strip and all the casinos. It is a weird feeling after driving hours through the desert on roads that seem to go on forever. Out there everything seem quiet and vast and suddenly you are facing this city on steroids. It is no coincidence that the museum of neon signs can be found in downtown Las Vegas.

The Strip by night.

When you look at the map you don't think the Strip is very long but what you don't realize is how large the casinos really are. Just to walk straight through a casino is not a matter of minutes but more 15-20 min. We did not, in two days, see all of it.

Having a lunch time beer in front of the Bellagio. It is after all holidays!

I was a bit disappointed that not more people were gambling, it all looked kind of empty. Many tables were closed and most of the slot machines was unused. However considering the size of the place I guess the number of players was still impressive.

I am still working, so no, we did not win the Megabucks...

Some of the casinos were very nice, my personal favourite is the Venetian. The shopping mall with a canal through the middle is really impressive. Otherwise I think we both liked the newly opened Cosmopolitan, they have this quite cool bar in the middle of the casino.

The Venetian shopping mall (it is indoors...).

At the bar in Cosmopolitan.

After two nights though I was ready to leave. It felt like we were stuck in a dream world and had to escape to reality again. Back on the road again we headed towards Los Angeles. Coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. I saw on the news a few weeks ago how the business in Las Vegas has really been hit hard by the recession. People are moving away from there to find work. Perhaps that´s why the gamblers were scarce?
