Friday, November 12, 2010

Last chance

Winter is definately around the corner. In Sweden we have already seen the first snow. This week we had a snow storm and although it is a few days ago there are still traces of it on the ground. Lucky me then who could go down to Switzerland last weekend and enjoy some warmer weather.

Since the weather was nice we took the opportunity to go on maybe the last hike of the season. Since it is cold and snowy on high altitude we chose Bürgenstock this day. This mountain is only about 1100 meters but beautifully situated at the lake Vierwaldstätter See and famous for its views. This particular mountain does not have a gondola but actually a lift that can take you up the last few hundred meters. This day however it was already closed for the season, not even the café was open. So we did not get our standard beer on the top of the mountain but had to be content with what we had brought along.

On the way we had some serious Sound of Music moments. Like here when we crossed a meadow with this spectacular view.

As we came around the mountain we got this great view of the lake and Lucerne. This side of the mountain is very steep and the footpath is not intended for people that have issues with heights. At some places they have even made tunnels through the rocks. Very nice hike that can be made a little longer if you choose to leave the car close to Stansstad and take the way over Bürgenbergwald.

1 comment:

  1. That meadow picture should be put on a box of Swiss chocolates! Cows and all...
