Sunday, October 3, 2010

Autumn finally

One morning this week as I was heading off to the subway as usual I saw something unusual. I have been living here for almost 10 years and I can not remember seeing anything like it. It looked like the building was radiating.

A man who passed me as I was taking the picture had not noticed the light phenomenom but when he saw me looking up he had to stop and take a better look at it. How many people this morning missed out on this because they were only looking down at their feet?

It is now a lovely autumn, cold fresh air and sunshine. The sun is getting lower which means that the sunrise is now coinciding with my travel to work. The light this time of year is magic in the morning. The combination with the colours on the leaves makes this my favourite season in Stockholm. Not even the complete stop in the subway which added 30 min to my trip could spoil my mood after seeing this view.


  1. And what is that thing? Could anyone tell you what would cause a phenomenon like that?

  2. It was very foggy this morning so I guess it is the shadow of the building that you see in the fog. Looks cool, right?
