Friday, August 14, 2009

Ice Bar Stockholm

The only time you really do touristy things in your own city is when people are visiting. This weekend my dive buddies from the Nai'a in Fiji, Harry and Hana, decided to come and see me and Stockholm. Tonight we went to the Absolut Ice Bar. I had never been there since as a Swede living here you don't normally choose to go to a place where it is always around - 5 degrees. You get enough of that during the winter. And I have been to the Ice Hotel a number of years ago and was quite satisfied with that. But now it was time to check it out.

Hana and Harry

Self portrait

When you go into the bar you are given a coat. They do not expect you to stay more than 45 minutes and I think we made it to 40. At that point my toes were frozen and desperately craving sunshine again. We had good fun in there though, drinking out of the ice glasses and enjoying the ice art.

Of course the drinks are served in ice glasses.

There were plenty of beautiful details.

If you have never been to an Ice Bar I can really recommend it. But do wear socks...

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