Friday, December 18, 2009

You know somebody who talk too much?

Hana showed me this at the Rose bush museum in Tombstone.

There are solutions for everything...

Mini vacation in Tombstone

This week I went on a business trip to Phoenix, Arizona. When in the area I took a day off, rented a car and drove a few hours down to Tombstone to see my friends Harry and Hana who lives there.

Tombstone is a small sleepy little town with a big history. It is known for being a violent mining town about 100-150 years ago. If Wyatt Earp and O.K. Corral sounds familiar, this is where is all happened.

The center of town is blocked for all traffic and more or less all houses have a history to tell. For lunch we had a buffalo burger in the Crystal Palace Saloon which has been around since 1879 when it opened as a brewery.

Harry and Hana also took me on a drive over the mountains to Pearce. It is a beautiful place and the weather could not be better. Sunny and not too warm. At this point I do not miss Sweden that just had a snow storm the other day...

Thanks Harry and Hana for a lovely day!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Finally mandu

Last time I was in Korea we had lots of great food but we did not have time to eat any mandu (dumplings in English). Today though I had the opportunity to go sample a few. Just a block from the hotel I could get a big plate of different dumplings for less than 3 €.

I think Korea is my favorite food country at the moment. Of course Japan is high on the list also but I have not been there in such a long time that I tend to forget how good it is.

The kimchi mandu is my favorite, I think. Yummy!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ballet in Korea?

Tomorrow I am off to Korea for a few days. This time they found me some sort of suite at a hotel in a suburb outside of Seoul. There are lots of good restaurants in the area and it is close to customer site so I am quite happy. Now, click on the image and check out the facilities.

I get a Hang-on-the-wall plasma screen, bath stuffs and a clothes blush. It really bugs me though that I do not have a rental car so I can use the ballet parking. I suppose these drivers are spectacular. Would have been interesting... Instead I guess I have to hang around the main entrance and wait for someone to park their car.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Room with a view no7 - Galapagos

In 2003 I travelled around South America. When I was in Ecuador a friend of mine, Peter, happened to go on holidays in the same area. I convinced him to extend his trip and come with me to Galapagos. We took a one week boat tour around the islands and then stayed on a few days to go diving. Galapagos is a magic place, a place where you can see hammerheads when snorkeling, swim with sea lions, have to go around birds that nest on the footpaths and check out the blue footed boobies. I have never seen the amounts of fish diving as I did in Galapagos, the diving is really outstanding (although maybe a bit cold for my taste...).

From my bed in our cabin I had this view. Since I was a bit sea sick the first day I really appreciated being able to lie in bed and look out at sea.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Klettersteig on the Daubenhorn

In Switzerland in September I met up with Andy, one of my dive buddies on the liveaboard in Australia. It turned out we have more in common than diving, we also both like hiking and climbing. So it was not very hard for me to convince him that we should do the klettersteig in Leukerbad that leads up to the Daubenhorn. I had done some research and was really eager to do this particular klettersteig.

Leukerbad and the Daubenhorn in the centre of the picture. That's the wall we are climbing.

We drove from Lucerne, where Andy lives, to Leukerbad on a Saturday and the next day we got up early in order to make it to the first cable car. That would take us to Gemmi Pass from where it was a short hike to the beginning of the climb.

We were not the only ones who had this great idea. It was a bit crowded at the beginning of the climb.

This was the gorgeous view we had all day long. In the distance you can see the Monte Rosa massif which is were I was heading the next day.

The weather was perfect and even on the top of Daubenhorn at almost 3000 meters it was still warm. The klettersteig on Daubenhorn is the longest in Switzerland. It was about 4 hours climbing and totally it took us about 5 hours to reach the top. It was mostly climbing on a vertical wall. In some places it was slightly overhanging and at one point we climbed through a cave. The climb was not really difficult but very long which makes it hard.

Mad Andy. Like climbing is not hard enough... In the background is Gemmi Pass.

Having fun on the ladders.

The Swiss are weird....

5 hours later we finally made it to the top!

Thanks Andy for a great adventure!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hiking in Switzerland


In September I went hiking around Zermatt in Switzerland. The area is absolutely beautiful and the weather was perfect, not too hot, not too cold and a clear blue sky. The first day I hiked from Zermatt to Schönbiel Hütte, next to Matterhorn, via Trift Hotel. The part between Trift and Schönbiel was fabulous. This was one of the most beautiful hikes I have ever made. Straight ahead I had the Matterhorn and to my left the Monte Rosa massif. Magical!

Halfways to Schönbiel Hütte with a view of the Monte Rosa massif.

Getting closer to Schönbiel.

Having a well deserved beer with a view of Matterhorn on the terrace at Schönbiel Hütte.

The second day I walked back to Zermatt via Hörnli Hütte, from where most people climb the Matterhorn. The Hörnli Hütte is also a popular day hike and I got stuck in a group of older people determined to reach the Hütte. The last bit was quite steep and it was not very easy to pass people, you simply had to adapt to the pace.

At Hörnli Hütte.

The third day I took the train up to Gornergrat (on around 3000 m) on the other side of the valley from where I had been the first two days. Because it is so easy accessible it is also very crowded at Gornergrat. They have a fancy hotel, a shopping centre (!) and an observatory. For me it defeats the purpose of going to the mountains if there is a lot of people around. I like the solitude and the calm. So I had to walk away from the hotel and I did not have to go far to loose the crowd. 15 minutes walk and I was on my own again.


I must say my favourite side of the valley was the Matterhorn side. The view of the Monte Rosa from a distance was great. It was a bit more green on that side which I appreciated. Next time I will bring a picknick, some wine and sit down and look at the view for a few hours.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Baggage handling at Arlanda

Arlanda Airport is (according to my experience and everyone I know...) the worst airport in the world on luggage handling. Usually you have to wait almost 1 hour to get your bag from the moment they start unloading the plane and now I am not just that unlucky person who always gets their bag last. No, everyone is waiting for a long time. They do give you plenty of time to think about how difficult it can be to transport bags the few hundred meters from the aircraft to the conveyor belt. I am an engineer and do not consider myself the most stupid person in the world, but I can not figure it out.

When I arrived from Switzerland a few weeks ago I had a surprising experience. I got my bag within 10 minutes from when I arrived at the belt! My heart was filled with hope and I thought that finally they had changed the routines and from now on it would be like a dream to come back home.

This morning I came back from Chicago. I was in a little bit of a hurry because I had to make it to a meeting in the office. But light at heart I thought that today I would be out of here in no time. I came to the conveyor belt and at the display it said that the luggage would arrive within 6 min. Perfect, I thought. After about 10 minutes they opened the door in the wall and sent out 5 bags. I am sure these were only dummy bags that disguised staff went out to pick up only to keep people happy for another few minutes. The door in the wall was closed again. This is mentally very frustrating. After 15 minutes or so they opened the door again and out came a few bags. Do not think this was all of them, no, again they closed the door. After a few of these turns and 30 minutes later I finally got my bag and I was not the last one!

Since I travel quite a lot I have to learn how to handle this without going completely crazy. Instead of being very stressed and angry I think of stories about what the staff is actually doing behind that wall. How they are coming up with ways to trick us instead of actually getting the bags. It is now a joke for me and my friend and it makes us laugh instead.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Room with a view no6 - Seoul

Last week I was on a business trip to Seoul, South Korea. This was the view from my hotel room at the Imperial Palace Hotel. We stayed in Gangnam with a with towards the city centre. This picture was taken early in the morning. The Seoul Tower is on the hill in the centre of the picture.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


In Adelaide earlier this year I got caught in the rain. I happened to pass a pub just as it started to pour down. What to do? Of course I ended up at the bar with a beer. This was early afternoon and I was really planning to stroll around town. Instead I decided to catch up a little on the diary which I had not written in a week or so. I had to use the camera and look back at the pictures to remember exactly what had happened what day.

As I was sitting there the bartender asked me if I was travelling. He said that he also loves to travel and always writes a diary when he is away. We ended up talking about our favourite travels and dream destinations between orders from other guests. I eventually ordered food and stayed much longer than I expected. I don’t remember his name or what he looked like really and I could not give directions to where the pub is. But the episode is still stuck in my memory as one of the good afternoons in Australia.

To see someone writing in a pub or café I thought would keep people away. I would probably think that this person is concentrated and does not want to be disturbed. Maybe the diary is just a way for a travelling person to shield herself from the surroundings for a little while without having to sit in a boring dorm room or messy hostel living room. Not that this was my meaning when I wrote my diary during my last trip. I normally just thought it was more inspiring and fun to sit somewhere people were moving than at the hostel or hotel. So I am glad everyone is not like me and starts talking anyway and that it sometimes starts to rain and change your plans.

Friday, September 4, 2009

A great side of life

After finishing the last emails I closed the laptop. I looked out the window and we were closing in to Zurich Airport. It had been cloudy in the northern parts of Europe but here the sun was going down and spread its golden light over the hills surrounding the city. It made me smile, I am on holiday.

As I was walking to the baggage claim I saw this picture many times. I think I like this country…

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Alain de Botton at Heathrow

Alain de Botton has got access to Heathrow airport during one week and will write a book about what he sees and experiences. I love that idea, airports are so fascinating! I want that book!

Room with a view no5 - Taipei

Taipei 101

Taipei 101. For some reason I am extremely fascinated by high buildings. Usually the first thing I find out in a new city is where I can get a good view. Taipei was no different. The first time I visited Taiwan I was only there for one night and the only thing I really knew about the place was that the city featured the highest building in the world (well, the highest officially opened one at least..). So the only plan I had for the afternoon was to visit this famous building. I went up to the viewing floor before the sun set and stayed until it had become dark and all the lights were out. Magic.

The pictures here are all from my hotel room at the Hyatt which is just across the street from Taipei 101. Very convenient for someone with my interests.

The base of Taipei 101 which is a very fancy shopping center

View towards the City Hall

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ice Bar Stockholm

The only time you really do touristy things in your own city is when people are visiting. This weekend my dive buddies from the Nai'a in Fiji, Harry and Hana, decided to come and see me and Stockholm. Tonight we went to the Absolut Ice Bar. I had never been there since as a Swede living here you don't normally choose to go to a place where it is always around - 5 degrees. You get enough of that during the winter. And I have been to the Ice Hotel a number of years ago and was quite satisfied with that. But now it was time to check it out.

Hana and Harry

Self portrait

When you go into the bar you are given a coat. They do not expect you to stay more than 45 minutes and I think we made it to 40. At that point my toes were frozen and desperately craving sunshine again. We had good fun in there though, drinking out of the ice glasses and enjoying the ice art.

Of course the drinks are served in ice glasses.

There were plenty of beautiful details.

If you have never been to an Ice Bar I can really recommend it. But do wear socks...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Soho every day is a wine day!

No, I have not been to London or New York. I was in Gothenburg where there is a restaurant / wine bar / café called Soho. It is a really nice place with several sections featuring different styles. You can stop by for a glass of champagne at the bar, cakes in the atrium or dinner in the dining room.

One thing I like about this place is that they have, in several places, printed text directly on the wall. This sentence I particularly like!

That was a long time ago...

Today I went to Systembolaget, the Swedish liquor store. I was going to pick up some wine and beer for the weekend since this was the last chance for me before Sunday when I am cooking for my friends, Hana and Harry, who are visiting Stockholm.
When it was my turn at the counter the sales guy said: So, Miss, do you have id? I gave him a big smile and my id that says that I have been able to buy alcohol for about 15 years. He looked a little embarrassed but I took it as a compliment and left much happier than I was a few minutes earlier. What a sweetheart!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Perfect summer

As any Swede would tell you, there is no better place than Sweden on a nice summers day. Last Saturday was one of those perfect days. I was visiting my sister, Helena, and her family close to Gothenburg. It was warm enough to go to the beach, actually swim and lay in the sun all day but without getting sun stroke. When we came back from the beach my brother-in-law, Micke, made us mojitos with fresh herbs from the garden. Perfect day.

Me and my nephew, Joel, coming back from the beach.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Room with a view no4 - Philippines

Christmas 2008 I spent on Big La Laguna beach in Puerto Galera in the Philippines. The hotel we stayed at (Campbell's Beach Resort) was at the very end of the beach with a huge terrace outside the room. From there we had a great view of the whole beach. We could watch people snorkeling, swimming, eating and drinking at the beach front restaurants. We saw when people were coming and leaving. The beach was small enough to keep track of everyone staying there. After a week it felt like we were leaving a family.

Big La Laguna beach

Big La Laguna by night

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Here and now

They say that you should concentrate on where you are and live your life here and now. I totally agree. But I do like when here is changing fast. For example; last year I left from Taiwan to go diving in Mexico. That in itself was a big change in "here". From work in busy Tainan to the waters outside lazy Cozumel. On the way there however I had a long lay over in San Fransisco. As it happens a colleague and friend, Magnus, lives not very far from the airport and my flight arrived appropriately on a Friday night. He booked us a table not far from the airport and we met at the restaurant. This was by far the best lay over I have ever experienced, good company, good food and lots of great wine which I had been craving in Tainan.

The time difference was to my advantage this time. I left Taiwan late Friday night, arrived 6 hours earlier on the same night in San Fransisco, had a great dinner and then arrived in Mexico around lunch time on Saturday. The problem is that at some point I had to go back. And in this case it took me two days...

I felt very fortunate to experience three very different places during such a short period of time. All places have their special charm and I find it difficult to choose one favorite place in the world.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Budget anxiety

I am in agony. How much money can one spend on a three week long holiday? There are so many things I would like to do but is it realistic to spend that amount of money? What is really reasonable? The problem is that I want to go diving and do some decent diving as well. This is unfortunately quite expensive. The difference between finding a fairly good hotel and spend the time surfing, sun bathing, visit temples, museums and possible renting a scooter compared to diving two weeks is big! If I chose not to dive I could go on a much longer holiday or several holidays for the same money. However I am not sure my company would allow me to go on 3 month holidays every year so what am I saving it for?

Now I could list a number of things, sensible things, to spend the money on. Like buy a larger apartment maybe which would be an investment for the future and not money just thrown away. But the sum I am talking about would not even upgrade my apartment to include a balcony so why bother? Then again, I have chosen not to have a car, not upgrade the apartment, not buy that flatscreen tv and so on to be able to do exactly this. And I know what I enjoy and what makes me feel alive. That is travelling and not being able to live in a different apartment. Still it feels very hard to decide to make such an expensive trip. Why is that? Have I not just myself answered my question?

I do know myself well enough to know that I will not be able to resist this:

or this:

or this:
photo: Marcus Carlberg
or this:
photo: Marcus Carlberg

I just have to face it. I am hooked...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Afternoon tea

Last week I decided to somewhat spontaniously go to London to see a couple of friends for the weekend. My favourite thing to do there is to have Afternoon Tea. Thankfully my friend Simon was willing to come with me. On Simons recommendation we ended up at the Wolseley which you can find on the same street at the Ritz where they offer a somewhat more stylish version. I found the Wolseley however to be very good. Five kinds of sandwiches, warm scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream and of course a good selection of cakes. And lots of tea. Mmm.
Since we had to wait for about 3 minutes to be seated we had just enough time to pop over to the bar and pick up a couple of glasses of champagne.
There is hardly a better way to spend an afternoon in London. Love it.

Room with a view no3 - Greenland

A few years ago I did something as exotic as horse back riding in Greenland. We flew in to Narssarssuaq in the southern part of the country and took the ferry to the otherside of the bay where horses and a local guide was waiting for us. The second night, after our first day on horse back, we stayed in a house at the end of the bay with this lovely view from the bedroom. This area is stunningly beautiful and well worth a visit.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Post travel depression

Everyone I have spoken to since I got home from my 3 months holiday have asked me if it is good to be back. I hate this question because I feel like saying: NO! But I can't because I realize myself that this is the best time of the year to be in Sweden, it is summer, it is warm, the days are long. It is really amazing when the sun sets at 10 pm, you are still sitting outside, you don't even have to put on a sweater and there are no mozzies. I am not saying I do not enjoy it. It is lovely to have picknicks by the water with friends at sunset, going for a boat cruise in the archipelago, not having to wear socks and all that.

Despite all this I have what could be called "post travel depression" and I might be the only one that this ever happens to. It is just when I have come back that I want to leave again the most. It usually takes me a while to get used to being at home. I have been back about a month now and I am still waiting for it. I can not remember ever being homesick. But every time I am back from travels I miss it dreadfully, more than I miss home during the trip. I think it is because I know that the travels are time limited and that I will always go back at some point. I also know that if I want to I can just go home at any time. Home is always there. That is kind of the point of it.

Travelling is about total freedom, doing whatever you want whenever you want to. Going from one place to another, discover new things, all the time new experiences. Making new friends is a big part of the fun. I feel like I am leaving a new family behind, people that I would like to get to know better. Maybe I will meet some of them again, maybe not. The maybe not makes me sad. Wouldn't it be weird if I did not miss being out there?

How can I not miss a city skyline at night,

driving on the wrong (yes, it is!) side of the road,

climbing the highest mountain in the country,

hiking hung over in tropical heat, after drinking ridiculous amounts of Bundaberg Rum with new found Aussie friends,

hanging on 5-ish meters watching the life under water (photo: Andy Durrer),

sailing amongst sand fringed islands,

watching the sun rise on a mountain top.

How can I not miss it?