Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Inventive parking in Korea

Here in Korea they have their own way of solving the lack of parking space issue. They wildly double park. But this is commonly accepted and also understood that you should leave your car in neutral and with no breaks on. This way the poor person that wants to get passed the double parked cars can just push them away. This of course happened to my colleague with whom I was going to lunch. We ended up pushing about 10 cars (or actually he was pushing and I was taking photos :-) )before a small space opened up in front of his car. The car owners that get their cars pushed around also have to accept that they get smashed together since you don't always managed to get the car to stop before it hits the next one in line. Is this not a very creative way of solving the problem?

1 comment:

  1. A refreshingly pragmatic way to relate to one´s vehicle! In Sweden, I think mayhem might follow if you dare touch another guy´s car...
