Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Driving in Seoul

It is an experience to go by car in Korea. The traffic is heavy and crazy and I am glad I did not have to drive. Red lights for example do not have the same status as in Sweden. It is not uncommon that they drive although the lights are red as long as you let the pedestrians pass first and then drive very slowly. It is like if you sneak your way over the intersection no one will notice.
This morning we even saw an argument on the street. One taxi and one truck were driving onto the same road from different directions. I guess at least one of them was not following the traffic rules. They started shouting through the windows but this was not the end of it. The truck driver stopped in front of the taxi blocking both lanes and all traffic. He gets out and they start arguing on the street in front of us while we were waiting for a green light. It looked like the truck driver actually wanted to hit the taxi driver but he didn’t, instead he just left looking very angry. In Sweden just honking would be offensive…

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